Low-quality pages are those on your site that don’t increase your SEO ranking or even do much for your site visitors. While you may not think any of your pages fall into the low-quality category, they may be there without you realizing it. There are a few different kinds of low-quality pages to look for […]
During 2017 there were a lot of speculations about Google updates regarding their algorithm. It seems that at the end of the year, predictions became a reality, Google confirmed the upgrading that shifted rankings in the SERPs. A Google representative stated, “We released several minor improvements during this timeframe, part of our regular and routine […]
Google make a recent change in search results snippets; they have incorporated more characters so they can show up to 320 of them and, in some cases, even more than that. So far, it was known that Google offered to show up 160 characters, however, after this change, many people are trying to figure out […]
It is possible to find many different free or paid SEO plugins on the market. However, Yoast SEO is one of the most trustworthy sources, and it is a 100% free. Once that you have downloaded and installed Yoast SEO which is quite simple, you will have to set the plugin up. How to Set […]
It’s a well-known fact that first impressions cannot be taken back. While this applies to face-to-face meetings and job interviews, it can apply to websites as well. Think about when you visit a site for the first time. If you have a hard time navigating the site or trying to figure out what it’s all […]
Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “put your best foot forward”. Building cornerstone content is putting your best article forward. Your cornerstone content communicates what you are about, your mission, and gives your visitors a general impression of your site and its purpose. Aside from impressing site visitors, cornerstone content can also play a role in SEO. […]
The SEO landscape has continued to transform since 2016. Its evolution is pegged on Google's dependence upon artificial intelligence and the long-awaited Google Penguin. In general, for most SEO practitioners who coped with the changes, 2016 was a fascinating year in the SEO arena. As 2019 approaches, changes in the search behaviors and algorithm updates […]
Millions of people use Google search every day for different reasons. But while each search yields hundreds and thousands of results, even millions depending on the keyword being looked up, not a lot of users go beyond the first few pages of the search results. Many people stop on the first page; others go up […]
The SEO landscape has changed drastically in the five years due to the shift in how users interact with search, social sites, and new ways to advertise online. Localization & Personalization Alter Rankings Ranking "number one" meaning has changed. Most studies estimate that 50% of traffic flows to the top 3 results which these days, some […]