SEO - Search Engine Optimization
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
SEO - Search Engine Optimization

A Bright Vessel Guide on the Best SEO Practices to Get Noticed

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Search Engine Optimization is arguably the cornerstone of Internet marketing. A form of positioning a brand that’s unique to the web, the best SEO practices will make you visible to the right people. But how exactly does SEO marketing work?

The crucial first step is to define SEO: it’s the process of enhancing a website, so it gets more attention from search engines. SEO is all about organic results, which is to say, searches that don’t require that the website owner “buys” a slot on a keyword. The best SEO practices are, therefore, focused on getting as near as possible to the top search results on different engines. As the most-used search engine, Google is usually the priority when optimizing, although Bing should also get lots of attention. DuckDuckGo is also on the rise.

Why Follow Best SEO Practices?

Following the best SEO practices has become increasingly crucial for businesses of all types. Why?

  • Having an online presence is a necessity at this point. Lacking an online presence can prevent a lot of potential customers from getting to know the product you're offering.
  • Online, the competition is fierce. You need to be visible.
  • The five top search results get the most attention on Google, Bing and every other search engine. A great SEO strategy will strive to land the keywords among the top results.
  • SEO is an excellent form of promotion, as having an optimized website can easily lead to visitors sharing content on social media.

Types of SEO

There are two types of SEO:

  • On-page SEO. Here, the actual website goes through optimization to rank up on search engines.
  • Off-page SEO. A less direct form of digital marketing, off-page SEO revolves around promoting the website from other places, like social media.

On-Page SEO

  • Optimize keywords. The process of keyword selection and optimization is a vital part of a robust online presence. You need to continually monitor keywords to ensure you’re using the most effective ones. It’s a never-ending job, as some might become less searched at some point and you’ll need to update. Effective keyword optimization starts by understanding the logic behind searches. Then, it’s vital to keep keywords updated, measure potential traffic and, of course, see what already drives traffic.
  • Add alt text on images. A form of keyword optimization, it’s essential to add the terms a few times as image text. Alt text can help search engines pick up the relevant keywords and better understand the context of the page.
  • Optimize title tags. The title tag should let potential visitors know what they’ll see on the site. It should be short and descriptive. Title tags are essential among the best SEO practices because Google indexes them.
  • Add meta tags. Each page should have a descriptive meta tag that includes the keywords while also providing information about the company and its products.
  • Optimize links. When you optimize links, particularly those taking visitors across pages on the same website, you’re helping Google see how the whole site relates. It’s one of the best SEO practices out there.
  • Create content. Every expert will tell you that putting out relevant and well-written content is one of the most important parts of SEO. Blogging about news and innovations on the industry, or even tutorials can help you become an expert on the subject on Google’s eyes. It’s also a good practice to stay relevant and maintain good rankings in different related keywords.

Off-Page SEO

  • Social media marketing. Seeing as just about every age group is now on social media, not working with it is a total waste. Networks like Facebook and Instagram are the perfect place to make the brand known. The best SEO practices will drive traffic from social media to the website, hopefully tuning into sales at some point. Also, social media is one of the first things that pop up when a person searches explicitly for your brand. Being on popular sites like Facebook and Instagram will make it easier for customers to share the content you're sharing. It’s all about the right strategy for the brand and the correct material for each social network. Likes and shares will help more people get to know the amazing things you’re doing.
  • Link building. Perhaps the most effective form of off-page SEO, it’s about building external links to the site. You form alliances with outside brands and websites to get them to link you. When you’re partnering with well-known and top-quality sites, search engines recognize that you, too, offer quality. You’ll also get higher and specialized traffic this way. If an outside source is linking to you, it means you’re trustworthy and have a good stand when it comes to information.
  • Social bookmarking. A less popular way of online marketing, it means getting links to the pages on a network to bring more traffic to the site. This way, whoever is searching for what you offer on that network can access a list of links that includes yours. It’s like personal bookmarking, only social.

In Conclusion

Search engine optimization is essential to run a solid business. It’s critical to work on getting a website noticed using a mix of on-page and off-page SEO. Higher traffic awaits on the other side filled with potential customers.

At Bright Vessel, we follow the best SEO practices to help each of our clients achieve their goals. We focus on custom online solutions for all kinds of brands and industries. Find out more about our SEO plans here.

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