Affordable & Easy Tools for Digital Marketing

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One hub for your video needs—generate project briefs, collect raw assets, collaborate with your team, and connect with our network of professional editors. Try this a startup, which is building a marketplace for professional video editors.


Fiverr is the world's largest freelance services marketplace for lean entrepreneurs to focus on growth & create a successful business at affordable costs.


Mailshake is a dead simple, turnkey, email outreach tool for business professionals who want to reach mass amounts of people with a click of a button. The caveat is, it is not and email blast. It is a personalized email that can be sent to up to 500 users per day. So instead of sending 1 cold email after another, you can send hundreds. After you deploy your campaign there is in-depth reporting that can be reviewed.



Grammarly corrects over 250 types of grammatical mistakes while also catching contextual spelling errors and poor vocabulary usage. Grammarly helps you write mistake-free on Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and nearly anywhere else you write on the web. Grammarly’s powerful grammar checking algorithms are developed by the world’s leading authorities on linguistic technology. It also can quickly check the web for plagiarism ensuring your copy is original.

Rescue Time

Tracks time spent on applications and websites, giving you an accurate picture of your day. Gives you detailed reports and data based on your activity. Why is this important? Well like most entrepreneurs and business professionals who are building businesses. Knowing where your time is following short is important. It can even justify getting help in areas where your time should not be wasted in.




Case Converters

Image to Text converter

Free Stock Photo Sites

Death to the Stock Photo –

Death to the Stock Photo is a free subscription service that sends subscribers 10-12 high-quality photos each month via email.


This great site offers free, downloadable images that professional photographer Ryan Bell captured over time.

Unsplash –

Hosted on a simple Tumblr account, the images Unsplash offers are breathtakingly beautiful. Submitted by different photographers from around the world, the photos on Unsplash vary in subject matter from landscapes to technology and are perfect for use in your email campaigns.


The free images you’ll find on this site are not original, but rather a curated collection that are approved for commercial use.

Simple image creation tools

If stock photography doesn’t quite work for the specific campaign you are trying to send, there are image creation tools that will help you create the perfect image for your campaign.Canva – tool contains thousands of beautiful stock images which you can easily add other elements to, such as text, banners, frames, and buttons.

PlaceIt –

PlaceIt makes it easy to create beautiful screenshots of your website, application or any other digital product. You simply type in a URL, and PlaceIt automatically generates a screenshot and places it inside a device in a particular context, such as an iPad sitting on a desk or a MacBook Pro sitting on a park bench.

Comprehensive icon libraries

Icons are another great way to add visual flare to your campaigns. There are plenty of places to find icons online, but here are some of our favorites:

The Noun Project –

Think of The Noun Project as ‘Google for Icons’. You simply search for the type of icon you need and the site will return hundreds of options to choose from.

Dry Icons –

Dry icons is a icon marketplace containing over 5000 icons across more than 70 icon sets. Many are free to download, while some will cost you a few bucks.

Elegant Icons –

Elegant icons is a free icon set (with 384 different icons) by web design house Elegant Themes.


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