
Why should law firms pay more attention to marketing?

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Law firms don’t require costly marketing and advertising strategies to succeed. And yet, it is important to be both smart and creative if you want your business to thrive. With an adequate done of imagination and diligence, law firms can adopt marketing programs and strategies that will actually work long-term. In today’s economic downturn, hunting for the best clients is like a never-ending war. To win you have to constantly develop and improve your tactic. How do you compete with companies that are bigger and more famous than you?

Compete with Companies

Focus on a more connected clientele

We live in a tech world where people spend more time online than offline. In the legal business, using the internet to stay connected 24/7 is a must. A recent report issued by the Lawyer Marketing Blog, demonstrated that many people today would rather search for a lawyer online than offline these days. Another study indicated that 77% of law firms spread across the country generate leads online.

Many lawyers are online on their smartphones too. They want to be prepared in case someone seeks counsel virtually. To make yourself noticed you have to be smart when opting for a marketing strategy. It might be a good idea to have all advertising campaigns fully optimized for mobile. Additionally, you should recommend clients to use software programs that are particularly aimed at lawyers.

Visual landing pages

A law firm that wants to succeed should have a killer website; and a killer marketing strategy too. Very few pay attention to their site’s landing page. Rather than send all your Adwords visitors to the home page, clean up your campaigns and organize them into service. Create conversion optimized landing pages for each campaign. Let’s have a simple example: rather than delivering traffic from DUI related and injury-related keywords to your main home page, you should craft individual ads with separate landing pages for all.

Law firm websites are fundamental to firm marketing. An interesting site with an interesting landing page has more chances of attracting new clients than traditional banners and flyers on the street. Also, because many potential clients will want to review law firm websites before hiring anyone, lawyers will be compelled to be extremely attentive to reviews about their business on Facebook, Avvo, and

Social proof for lead generation

Potential clients searching for a law firm online usually begin their search with LinkedIn, Google, Twitter and Facebook. They want someone who’s just as sociable as they are. That being said, your website has to be properly marketed and advertised on social media platforms. Share original articles, updates, news and important information online if you want to grab people’s attention. Do it as often as possible, and eventually you’ll get noticed!

Win the hearts of your readers with free stuff. Recommend them to sign up for your newsletter and give them free content downloads. This will show that you want to interact, and that you have important and meaningful information to share with them. Don’t forget to keep the design of the website as clean as possible. The easier to navigate through the better chances you have to help your law firm thrive!

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