
Tips on Getting a Good Website Design Quote Vs. a Bad One

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When you're looking for the perfect website, there are several factors to take into consideration. You need to master the art of balancing brand, personal taste, business needs, and budget for a robust result that rocks. Here's a primer on how to get a design quote that's thoroughly sourced and developed for quality results.

Determine the Type of Website You Need Before You Get a Quote

Website Design in Jupiter - Website Quote

If you're starting from scratch, what kind of site do you need? Will you need a regular personal site, an online portfolio, or something beefy that supports ecommerce?

Your needs will determine the kind of website you need because your website has to be designed following those requirements. Keep in mind the more robust your site, the more technical its structure. Your designer has to be able to provide a quote that accounts for site requirements to support its function and appearance.

Another thing you need to know is what kind of platform you want to design on. While many web developers are flexible, you'll find quite a few specialize in a particular format, such as WordPress, SquareSpace, or Joomla. As such, their ability to deliver will require comfort with your specific platform of interest if you have any.

Find a Designer Whose Style You Love

Before you make a final hiring decision for web design, you want to ensure the designer's not only qualified to design your site but that they're actually in alignment with your brand. Finding the right web designer requires patience and discernment.

Your website's appearance is similar to an outfit, and your designer is the stylist. You're going to invest in your website the same way you invest in your appearance. Therefore you want your designer to "get" your style.

Exploring portfolios reveal a designer's particular style, giving you the opportunity to discern whether or not their work is compatible with your tastes. You want to make sure their creativity and style merges well with yours, because if so, they can bring your vision to life. If you're not in love with their layouts, logos, use of color, or the dominant attitude portrayed in their style, you may want to reconsider.

Website Design Chart in Jupiter, Florida

Prepare a Realistic Budget for Your Expectations

Nothing irritates a designer or gives off a bad vibe than a prospect who isn't financially prepared. Websites are not cheap; you can expect to pay $1000 - $10,000 or higher for a website, all depending on your needs. If your financial situation does not currently allow you to invest this much, then be upfront with the designer and tell them you're looking for a clear web design quote to get a grasp of how much you need to get the job done.

Another thing you shouldn't do is openly compare web design quotes between designers. Every designer prices differently according to his or her specific skills, needs, and pay requirements. If Prospective Designer X quotes you $6,000, don't grimace, gasp that it's "too rich" for your blood, and bring up the fact that Prospective Designer Y quoted the same job for only $3,500. You'll not only piss off Prospective Designer X, but they'll more than likely tell you to go work with the other designer, and blacklist yourself from being able to work with them again.

Because design can be pricey, it's okay to ask your designer if he or she accepts a deposit. Upon signing a contract, the designer may require 25 to 50 percent upfront for work to commence. Payment plans are pretty standard, but you may also incur valuable savings if you elect to pay in full and upfront.

Happy Gilmore in Jupiter, Florida

Oh - and don't ask for discounts!

Designers aren't in the business of working for free or cheap cost. There's nothing tackier than asking someone to invest time and skill into creating something for them, and then requesting a discount.

Most designers don't offer discounts, and if they do, it's on their terms. It's one thing to request a discount when you're a repeat customer or bundling services, but asking for a discount just because you want one, you're "friends," or you "can't afford" to pay a lot is a slap in the face to their work.

Dude, Don't Kill My Vibe

You've narrowed down the kind of site you want, found a designer whose work you love, and you've got a healthy budget. How else can you ensure you get a great design quote? Positive connection.

People like working with people they know, like, and trust. It goes without saying that your website design quote should come from a designer who is personable, likable, and someone you can see yourself hanging out with.

But you know what? You should also put your best foot forward as well. Make them like you enough to work with you.

Money isn't everything, and if the designer doesn't care for your attitude, you'll kill their vibe and no amount of money will be enough for them to work with you.

Of course, don't think that being likable will make your design cheaper. Befriending your designer for a discount will backfire just as well. They work hard for their money, so respect their price. Just make it easy for everyone by having a great connection.

When you have a strong connection with the designer, it eases the flow of communication. Excellent communication allows you both to express ideas and overcome any challenges that come up during the process, creating a successful web project.

Communicate Time, Turnaround, Revisions...

Website quotes should reflect some factors, including the designer's experience, materials used, and other costs. This information is not going to be itemized for your scrutiny. However, it does explain the sometimes.

When you read your quote, review what the price includes for you, especially when it comes to the amount of time needed for design and delivery. This sets and manages expectations for you and the designer to work with.

Ask the designer to confirm how long it will take for your website to be finished, the milestones expected, and the number of revisions included in the quote. This gives you a strong idea of the project boundaries and helps both you and the designer avoid scope creep.


Make Sure It's in Writing

Speaking to a designer over the phone or in person is acceptable, but word is no longer bond these days. When you get a quote, make sure the cost and included information are clearly written for your records and inspection. Now, design fees may change slightly as work progresses, depending on what's happening during the project, but you'll have a hard reference to go to when you're planning your design budget. Keep in mind a written website design quote is only valid for a certain amount of time, usually 30 days or so. If you're in possession of a design estimate that's over 30 days old, you should reach out to the designer and request a new estimate to reflect any changes in their policy.

Keep in mind a written website design quote is only valid for a certain amount of time, usually 30 days or so. If you're in possession of a design estimate that's over 30 days old, you should reach out to the designer and request a new estimate to reflect any changes in their policy.


So Here's the Great News

Now that you know how to identify a good quote for design, it's time to get started. Pick up the phone and talk to us. We're an experienced team of website developers, designers, and digital marketers. We're in the business of providing custom websites that marry design and performance, and our combined experience ensures you'll receive a quote for work that's proven to achieve your goals

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